該機適用於各種幹、青玉米秸稈、麥秸、稻草、苜蓿、煙草、花生紅薯秧、棉花秸稈、樹枝樹皮等91视频网址原材料的鍘切。加工的物料適用於養殖牛、羊、鹿、馬等,也可用於91视频网址生產、秸稈發電、提煉乙醇和造紙、人造板等行業。該機可作為91视频网址發酵的配套設備, 縮短原料發酵時間。本機在不需要揉搓的情況下可方便拆除揉搓裝置進行單純鍘草作業, 從而減少不必要的動力消耗, 提高了生產效率。
Straw Crusher
Use and Features:
This machine is suitable for cutting all kinds of dry, green corn straw, wheat straw, straw, alfalfa, tobacco, peanut sweet potato seedlings, cotton straw, tree bark and other organic fertilizer raw materials.The processed materials are suitable for breeding cattle, sheep, deer, horses, etc, and also can be used for organic fertilizer production, straw power generation, refining ethanol and paper making, artificial board and other industries. The machine can be used as a matching equipment for organic fertilizer fermentation to shorten the fermentation time of raw materials. This machine is convenient to remove the kneading device for simple grass work without kneading, so as to reduce unnecessary power consumption and improve production efficiency.